Комплексная политика в области качества, безопасности и окружающей среды

В данном разделе представлены цели и политика, принятые REPA Italia для обеспечения качества, безопасности и охраны окружающей среды на всех уровнях организации. На странице также представлены сертификаты, достигнутые REPA Italia в этих полях (текст доступен только на английском языке).

The service of quality, safety and health of workers are an integral part of the strategy and success of REPA Italia.
The company's commitment in this direction has led to the achievement and renewal over the years of UNI EN ISO 9001 (Quality), UNI EN ISO 45001 (Workers' Health and Safety) and UNI EN ISO 14001 (Environment) certifications.
Following are the objectives that REPA Italia intends to pursue, within a management aiming at a continuous improvement in compliance with the guidelines dictated by such regulations.

REPA Italia intends to systematically implement the principles and prescriptions provided for by the documents of the Management and Control Organisational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 concerning the criminal liability of the company, the entities and the legal persons.

REPA Italia is aware that, in order to operate in an increasingly competitive market, it is necessary to adopt a Management System for Quality, Environment and Workers' Health and Safety, promoting:

  • the central role of the customer and customer satisfaction;
  • a culture of quality, respect for the environment and safety at all levels of the organisation
  • the improvement of communication, awareness and involvement of all stakeholders inside and outside the company;
  • continuous improvement of the quality of the products and services provided;
  • continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of processes;
  • the respect for the environment and safeguarding the health and safety of workers;
  • the prevention of possible customer complaints;
  • the achievement of economic and other results, enabling the company to reach the established objectives.

REPA Italia is therefore committed to:

  • act in full compliance with the regulations and laws in force applicable to the sector of activity of the organisation;
  • pursue continuous improvement;
  • increase customer satisfaction by improving more and more the communication channels with the customers in order to keep them loyal over time;
  • adopt hygienic and sanitary practices suitable to the various situations, both normal and extraordinary (e.g. epidemics), in order to guarantee the health and safety of its workers and the operational continuity;
  • keep under control the quality of the products and services provided through appropriate registrations and checks;
  • fulfil its customers' orders within 24/48 hours, respecting the health and safety of its workers;
  • understanding the needs and expectations of the stakeholders;
  • measure the performance of the Management System for Quality, Environment and Workers' Health and Safety through the analysis of data and information returning from the feedback system of the organisation;
  • involve all the staff and the possible stakeholders through a constant training and information activity on the culture and the organisational and management methods, in order to pursue the continuous improvement of the processes;
  • defining improvement objectives in the various business areas, the achievement of which is monitored;
  • train its staff in order to make them more and more informed about their role, their tasks and their impact on the final result. The training will also make the staff aware of the consequences generated in case of non-compliance with the laws established for the Environment, for the Workers' Health and Safety and for the rules established for the Quality of the products and services offered to the client.

For the development and maintenance of an Integrated Management System and for all the above, the Management:

  • is committed to allocating adequate resources and responsibilities to the whole organisation, also implementing prevention and control of organisational effectiveness;
  • is committed to taking an active role in promoting and guiding all activities having an influence on Quality, the Environment and Workers' Health and Safety;
  • underlines, however, that the achievement of the objectives defined above is a responsibility of all REPA Italia staff and therefore involves each corporate function within the assigned tasks;
  • is committed to ensuring that this Policy is understood, accepted and supported at all organisational levels through appropriate and ongoing training for all personnel performing functions affecting quality.

As evidence of the increasing attention to the environment, REPA Italia has decided to be part of the Erion consortium system, correctly complying with the waste management regulations (WEEE, Batteries and Accumulators) and operating according to the principles of sustainability and environmental protection.

REPA Italia also adheres to the circular economy project RiVending for the recovery of materials related to the recycling of coffee cups and plastic stirrers.